Sunday, April 17, 2011

Taking a little trip to Italy

Spaghetti time!
Addison was out of town, so I told Turner we are going to get a little crazy and have spaghetti! (I know..I'm a wild woman!)
I decided to just strip him down to diaper and bib.
He loved it!

 He had a blast playing with it!
 He did eat some..but just a few noodles ended up in his lap..PoPo's hair...
 Yum! Yum! Dinner is Done!
What's funny is you would have thought he had it just ALL over him by how I prepared him and then rushed him right to the bath..but really he hardly had much sauce on him. Gotta love that boy!
 Next came the rice! We stayed the night at Grandmama's since the men were out of town fishing and had a blast!
 He couldn't decide on water or milk, so he was two fistin' it all through dinner. Good thing I was designated driver.
Meal times are fun! Grandmama has her fun ways to get Turner to eat anything. He will eat anything..oh..except cake. I love it how he scrunches his face like it's horrible, but will eat all of it. He loves to chunk his food on the floor..I know this is normal, but he gets told no many times, especially when he chunks his sippie and then you hear a yelp from PoPo for hitting him on the head. I was hoping this 'phase' lasted for about a month..but I've been told by friends this one sticks around for awhile. Speaking of chunking..he chunks everything behind his back. It's not safe and I'm scared he's going to hurt someone at school. He hits PoPo many times throughout the week. He doesn't blink an eye and whoosh! It's thrown. I'm just waiting for the item to be chunked into the tv..that will be a fun day.

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