I had to go to Walmart yesterday and had to take Turner with me. This was our first adventure to Walmart...alone.. I have been reluctant to put him in the shopping cart on the top (for obvious reasons of simply being me:) I decided to give it a shot like I see other mommas doing it! I felt like he could have tipped back the entire time, so I was holding onto him and trying to steer the cart. This is what happened:
--forgot about this one but I don't want to re-number: As I'm really trying to concentrate on getting him in the shopping cart a sweet, old man follwed me inside from him sitting on the bench outside walmart to ask how old T is, he's so little, and so forth...He doesn't realize I can't do two things at once. The greeter standing next to me ignored me as I was talking to him about how I hope I'm doing this right..(he probably wanted to make sure he didn't get caught up in a lawsuit if anything happened :)...
1. Collided with a man going around the corner..he mouthed something to me but I tried to apologize.
2. Ran into two racks of clothes, they dropped on the floor, I ran over them, it was such a tight squeeze I had to go back and forth before I finally could get them out from underneath the wheel..I hope I wasn't disturbing the young ladies trying to look at the sales racks..
3. Ran into the locked jewelry display case and these little kids looking at glasses giggled at me..
4. Trying to find the Mycolin (this is a whole other thing I need to call Walmart about) in the baby aisle. Turner is starting to get fussy... this sweet, young lady comes up to me, "Mam! Your son's toes are sticking out of his shoes!!" Oh..he's fine and that's not why he is crying but thank you....
5. Decided I'm done (got some things off my list) and checked out. Walking out of the store by the doors a man blows smoke and Turner and I walk right through it.... I mouthed something to him and got to the car....
I also have this thing about leaving him in the car. I truly have this fear so I literally take him everywhere in and out. Last summer I was in the Harp's parking lot and this poor mom was standing at her window bawling on the phone because she accidenlty locker her keys and child in the car. She was so sweet and scared..I felt so bad for her because she truly was terrified and didn't mean for this to happen..I always think of that everytime. I am not sure what other mothers do but I put my bags in the car, take him out of the shopping cart and with car seat in hand we walk to put the shopping cart up. I just don't leave him in the car running...I feel that will end up another disaster....not that it would surprise anyone..
I'm very lucky to have family in town to where if I need to run errands they will watch Turner for a bit! So as you can see, it's just so much easier why I should always let someone watch him until he can walk before he goes on another Walmart adventure. :)
And by the way..I have time to write this blog because Turner is still sleeping...almost two hours..and of course we were to be at a birthday party 8 minutes ago..... I'm sorry Jenny!! I don't dare wake him up being this is what he needs but he would pick this time to take a good nap... We will get there even if he is still wearing his pj's!
This is FREAKING forty // 2.2018
7 years ago