I've been so crazy busy lately I haven't had time to post and I also have been dreading sitting at the computer. It's been couch time with feet up many nights. (so I apologize for bad editing and lack of detail)
I have had such an amazing three weeks! I truly thank God for all the wonderful people he has placed in my life. There have been times the last three weeks I simply have just stopped and was in awe by all the amazing family and friends we have. Turner is going to be such a lucky little man and I'm so happy to be bringing him into this world surrounded by such love!
We have had four amazing showers the past three weeks. My girlfriends did such a wonderful job for Turner's shower. The food and decorations were amazing! Thank you Marcy, Jenny, Katey, and Rachel for being so great to us! They had the best idea! Each person gave me advice on a diaper. What I love is how in the wee hours of the night I'm going to look forward to putting a diaper on Turner because I get to read some advice! Great idea! You can tell by the pictures how wonderful it all was.
Marcy is quite creative! The diaper cake was adorable! I love the diaper wreath with his name cut out! She also made me THE CUTEST burp cloths. I don't have pics yet, but lets just say it includes daschunds.
Rachel handmade the cupcake toppers and cake plates. She also made the cutest frame for Turner's room. It's perfect!
Family and friends! love them!
My school and church shower were great! I got the cutest onesies that Turner will look adorable in!
My girls! They treat me so well and can't wait to be Grandmas! Jan did such cute decorations and Gail made wonderful punch!
I seriously have the best people to work for. We have too much fun at our job!
Charity got me the cutest onesies. Love this one! You can tell how exhausted I was. My eyes could barely stay open. The play is over with now, so that is all behind me!
Church shower:

Nanny made Turner this toy.
Natalie was sweet and wrote down all the gifts.
(looks like mom and I were rooting for a girl!:)
and then a typical Katy story! ......
So after all our showers Addison and I were curious because we still hadn't recieved our stroller/carseat/pack-n-play. I checked the registry and it said it was fulfilled. The mystery began. We couldn't figure it out, so I even called Target to complain. They said that someone could of accidently bought it off of yours and gave it to someone else. IT kind of became a joke on how we can have Turner they just won't let us leave the hospital! Addison and I were even going to go buy both of them this weekend.
Well, that sounds about right for us. Little did I know.....
A few weeks ago my parents and students started planning a surprise baby shower for us. This morning we planned on going to the cafeteria to work on the Inventor speeches. I stopped by the office to get a drink and talked to some people. I just happen to be the last person down there. All of a sudden I hear 100 surprises. I burst out in tears. I could not believe it. They had Rick's sugar cookies, sprite, a mini cake and of course... our stroller, car seat, and pack-n-play. I was so shocked! They kids were so cute that even many, many of them wore blue. (I had pink on of course :) They laughed! I simply love my job, students, and parents.
I am starting to get uncomfortable sitting in the chair, so more to come later! I can't tell you how much this all means to us. I can't wait to meet our little guy!!! Getting VERY excited!!