Monday, February 1, 2010

32 and counting!

If it wasn't for, I would probably never know what week I am in. I will be that mother who has to stop and figure out how many weeks Turner is. I will probably be a more 'month' kind of mom :). I am still feeling great! Since Friday I've been off work and it's been SO nice. I love not feeling dead to the world around 3:00! I got so much accomplished on my days off. We did have a beautiful snowy hill that never got used because Addison was stranded in Baltimore until Sunday, but it will get plenty use for years to come with Turner!

Addison and I registered tonight at Target. I have been trying to prepare myself for it, but we really had no clue what we were doing. Luckily, Marcy knows me and made a list for me! (She's the best!) I brought it and my highlighter--I still am not sure if I did everything correctly. When I got home, I did notice Addison registered for a Black and Decker home tool set. I took it off. He also wanted to register for Tupperware ?? I was trying to just figure out what was the difference between the three bouncer things that seemed different but couldn't find out what they did. I mean, I've been to my round of baby showers, but I still had no clue. I kept on looking at Addison on what to get and he would just stare at me blankly. Towards the end I started getting REALLY hungry and I was ready to go. Hopefully a car seat is on there somewhere... :)

1 comment:

  1. I am a month kind of mom,'s less to think about! Good luck with everything! Registering as a new mom is crazy and overwhelming-so glad you had experienced help!
