Grandmama has been taking him to feed the ducks down at the pond about two-three times a week. She says he gets real serious and just stares them down and follows their every move. He stays very still except for throwing their duck food. Daddy is happy he already knows the proper way to act when hanging with the ducks :).
They also go to the library or Barnes & Noble
We had our family and Turner's one year pictures taken last week. I really wanted it to be about pictures of him, but he was not sure of the new surroundings, so there were more family shots. Brandy got some great shots and I can't wait to blow one up for the playroom!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
It was funny because it's like he knew something happened with this day because he kept biting his sleeve or himself..I tried to tell him it's pinching others, not biting yourself. I love this outfit (thanks to Marcy on the cute pants!) He has very little 12 month clothes, so Marcy gave us some of Jackson's and they are all too cute.
PoPo once in awhile is very sweet and approaches Turner to cuddle. Turner just 'pats' him and laughs at PoPo. They are so cute!
He again carrying around everything in his hands. He was standing up on this chair holding onto nothing for a second! He's getting a little too adventurous for my liking. He has also picked up a new level to his 'vocals' this week. Addison and I thought he was in real pain one night...but it's just his new way of expressing himself in his laughs and cries. To think six months ago if he cried it was dead silent and now they are a very high pitch, LOUD screech.
NEW game! He loves being placed in this pack-n-play to play basketball! We throw balls in there to him and he throws them right back. He just laughs and laughs! He will then sit in there and play with his toys while listening to his CD player. Track 2 is his favorite-Winnie the Pooh.
This has been his new move for the week..he almost looks like he's about to lead into a headstand, but I think he's curious on what's under his legs!
He loves his baby naked time, still! It's amazing what changes each week, so you really don't know what he will love or hate. I stripped him down Friday night because he was crying so hard and he usually doesn't just 'cry' and I was getting a little concerned. He finally stopped after I took off his clothes... He is starting to pop in some teeth, so I think being naked just took his mind off things. That's when I also learned the new 'vocals'
Doing this evening exercises before bed. What's cute is Addison does sit-ups and push-ups each day, and I think he's wanting to be like his daddy! :)
Addison sent me this picture after his bath. He loves his hair!
Poor Addison really wanted a picture with Turner to have on his phone, but Turner kept squirming and whining to come to me. Daddy ended up having a picture of his two favorite people :).
Swinging at Grandmama's! Today was Turner's 1st time in the nursery without me. We were 15 minutes late because his morning nap ends right when church begins. I then had to hang out in there for about 20 minutes because he was not letting me go and I could tell he was not going to just 'go with the flow'. Overall, he did fairly well. There was only one other little girl in there, so it wasn't too much going on. When I found the rocking horse for him was when I 'made my move'. He's looking at the lady saying I don't know about you. He did have his little shaker with him, so that kept him happy. He did cry some while I was gone and started bawling when I showed up. I was happy with the 20 minutes he did on his own for the first time EVER to be with strangers.
We celebrated by going out to eat with Grandmama and playing on her swing for awhile! This is him playing peek-a-boo. If you go 'where's Turner?' He will take it away from his face, smile and then put it back. He'll do this over and over again.
Beautiful weather!
Beautiful week!
Ready for his little toes to see more sunshine and green grass!